Creative Sector
Bid Writers

Our bidding experts have over 60 years of experience and an 87% success rate.

We can help you succeed.

Do you need support with your tender responses?

We can help. As well as our Creative Tenders portal, we can also provide Bid Writing support via our sister company, Hudson Succeed. Our creative sector Bid Writers have been supporting businesses with their tendering efforts for decades. Together, we can help you find and win the contracts you want to deliver.

Need help with writing a bid? Click to get a free quote from our highly successful Bid Writing Consultants.

Are You New to the World of Tendering?

Don’t worry. We know that tendering can seem daunting at first.

That’s why the Tender Ready package was created. Through this service, our Bid Writers will create all the company documents you will need to tender for work. They can then either write your next bid or guide you through two.

The Ad-Hoc Bid Writing Solution

The service includes writing your tender responses as well as submitting the final bid on your behalf.

This service is perfect for businesses who require support with a one-off bid but don’t have the internal resources required.

Supporting You for Improved Tender Success

Our Bid Writers will analyse your previous tender responses and highlight any areas for improvement.

Once the programme is complete, they can either write your next bid or guide you through two.

Mastering Tender Responses

Our guide and review service enables you to confidently submit an error-free bid.

The service involves a full analysis of your written responses, including a grammar and spelling check. You can then press submit in the knowledge that your bid reflects the specification and is free from mistakes.

Learning at Your Own Pace

Helping you learn via fun and engaging online master classes.

The best thing? Our introductory courses are completely free! Start your tender training journey with Tender VLE.

Our Creative Bid Writing Experience

Our team has decades of experience writing and winning bids for clients in the creative sector.

The team has worked with a range of clients who provide services such as Design, Digital, Events Management, Marketing, PR, and Video Production, to name a few. Our Managing Director, Jill Hudson, has been working with creative businesses for almost two decades. During this time, she has helped their businesses to grow and thrive by tendering for new contracts. Jill has supported companies all over the world, in countries including the UK, China, Germany, and the USA.

Our Creative Bid Writing Experience

To learn more about how we can help you with your creative sector bid writing, please get in touch.

The team will be happy to share further details of their previous experience and to offer advice.
